avocado≠animal fat; dried fruits≠table sugar

Misleading myth: “nutrition-wise, dried or preserved fruits is mostly sugar, therefore similar to table sugar”, as some people say.

— By their logic, WHOLE fruits are also “nutritionally equivalent” to table sugar but that’s mostly likely wrong, based on an oversimplified theory of nutrition.

The proponent is basically ignoring all the “unknown” stuff in fruits that’s Not in table sugar. Unknown stuff like water, and /roughage/.

Perhaps due to those unknown stuff, no one would overeat whole fruits (except durians). Table sugar is often over-consumed 🙁

— By their logic, rice/bread/noodles is also “nutritionally equivalent” to table sugar? highly doubtful.

grain crops are the first plants our ancestors grew. Grains have been the 主食 for thousands of years.

==== an equally important myth : “Peanuts and other nuts are 80% fat, and nutritionally similar to animal fat”

I believe the most harmful fats are all subsets of animal fat

— By their logic, fish belly oil is also “nutritionally equivalent” to 猪油, but fish is the best source of animal protein and animal fat.

— by their logic avocado and olive oil are also “nutritionally equivalent” to the most common animal fat like 猪油

— By their logic, raw vegetable has close to nothing “nutritionally”, in terms of protein, fat or /carbohydrate/.

From personal experience, I do know the eating a ton of raw veg can still leaves me hungry , but /hedonic/ or homeostatic hunger?

I tend to assume my hunger is due to the (low amount of) macro-nutrients but now I believe hunger is more complex