[23]polyclinic queue; ESWT clinics

[Extracorporeal shockwave therapy ] .. Dr Ng said ESWT is 50% effective but is the only treatment targeting the root cause (In contrast, pill/injection target the symptoms not the root.)

I told the SGH ESWT therapist that even if success rate is 30%, I would still want to try. By my age, my savings are more than sufficient, and my remaining “lease” is shrinking.

On 27 Sep, I decided to receive treatment on the spot, rather than waiting for TTSH response. The wait is a breeding ground for procrastination or mental pressure. The wait would /entail/ polyclinic visit, referral, TTSH consult,,,, Altogether they would cost me 2-3M of precious time.

I will maintain weekly frequency at SGH. After I consult with TTSH urologist, I can consider switch-over.

After a cycle, Maintenance sessions are often required.

— SGH cycle is 6 sessions. Up to 18 sessions are approved.

— TTSH cycle is 2 sessions for $310 according to 6889 4828. Need polyclinic referral.

Poly usually operates during my office hours 🙁 I can make appt at Outram for early morning then come to office.

Zest is a Sgp clinic specializing in ESWT. Total cycle is $250 x 10 + GST. Most patients need 10 sessions.

— Polyclinic appt

  • You can call automated hotline for same-day appt, but some appt slots are invisible to that system, and only an operator can pick them for you.
  • If you call hotline to make regular appt, it is usually a few days out.

Backlog can be quite bad .. some patients exceed their allotted time, so the subsequent appt get pushed back —

  • Aha … There is a lunch break. When doctor comes in at 2pm (or whatever morning start time), the backlog would be shortest. I think 2pm appt is probably a clever hack known to old hands.
  • Now suppose your appt is 3.30. if you miss your appt by 15 minutes, then you might end up in the no-appt queue and wait for hours to see a doctor. I guess the no-appt queue is “popped” only when the backlog clears, perhaps at end of morning/afternoon sessions.
  • what if you come too early, more than 15 minutes, at 3.10, and there is backlog? I guess system may put you in the backlog queue either before or after the 3.15-appt-holder.

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