k_X_FOMO_v_livelihood .. k_semi_kai3mo2
- T_effectiveOC — personal capabilities, more specific, more narrow
- t_FOMO — about the fear. more broad
- .. FOMO^livelihood — more specific about the contrast, contradiction, misPerception. More specific than mellow.
- T_semi_kai3mo2 [definition] — focused on specific and comparable individuals as kai3mo2[role model], usually with strength, character, rather than dumb luck. T_semiK3m2 is an abbreviation of T_questionable_roleModel
- t_envy .. jealous, zi4bei1, but not some individuals perceived as in my socioeconomic strata
- —– Above are the negative themes; Below are the positive themes
- visPgress — is more general with a wider scope.
oc effective … defined in gz blot