See also
Background .. In an informal 2016 chat, my young Macq colleague Nigel Chan commented that once he identified TRIT [the really important thing] for a given goal, then he would focus on it and work on it. (It’s related to k_career_leverage in the gz blog, but this bpost goes beyond career.)
I was unconvinced about its utility/applicability, and immediately gave an extreme example — “If TRIT to personal success is body flexibility, then I’m doomed, since I am physically inferior. My flexibility is something of a handicap and demands a superhuman effort. Better accept personal limitations like these. Perhaps look for a different goal.” Nigel was amused but unfazed. He simply said in that case he would just work on flexibility…. no choice. His unspoken assumption — effort (almost) always bears fruit.
As a quant, Nigel presumably applied Principal Component Analysis.
Q: which def@success?
A: Nigel’s original context was successC, in a competitive field.
A: successZ is front-n-center, but to me, successE is equally important. It is behind the scenes and a counterweight to successZ. The serenity prayer hints at successZ/E and includes “wisdom to know the difference”.
eg: LKY wanted Singaporean Chinese mothers to have more babies. It was TRIT to arrest Chinese population decline in Singapore. It was too difficult, so he shifted to alternatives like immigration.
— eg: what if TRIT is English proficiency, like in job hunting? Many of my China tech friends had this handicap.
It is too hard for them when they are above certian age. Some are better off focusing on alternative goals.
In this case, I disagree with Nigel’s statement.
— eg: what if TRIT is relationship/comm with boss, like in the “goal” of job longevity? In this case, I chose alternative goals like total income, personal wealth, livelihood, carefree ezlife,,
It was hard to change my comm style. Since my 30s I did mellow up gradually.
In this case, I agree 49% with Nigel’s statement.
— eg: what if TRIT is personal charisma and attractiveness to girls, like in the dating game during my 20s? Getting a beautiful woman was my biggest dream and desire during those years. I had to accept the reality and stay single. It was too hard to work on TRIT.
However, some beautiful women did find me attractive.
In this case, I agree 49% with Nigel’s statement.