k_bedBug_wisdom .. k_tectonic .. k_detach
See also
- how I achieved%%ComfortableEconomicProfile by44
- my introspective on good life now ^ good life in my early 30’s
The shorter the better.. preferably the heavy hitters Only — the elements of the dream life I envisioned 10..20 years ago.
Note this blogpost, published in 2019 in the New York, is about dream life, something similar to ‘carefree life’.
Q: Can we feel satisfied yet reasonably detached? I think it’s beneficial to consciously strive for Deeper detachment.
- — G9 heavy hitters
- [A] beautiful wife — #1 part of my lifelong dream. In contrast, kids are not part of my original dream life
- [fa] cash flow high ground (brbr, FullerWealth) though salary lower than FTE, and no bonus prospect (at peace)
- [gA] convincing trec in a elite profession with growth and more importantly…. market depth. Note market depth also means large number of decent choices, something not available in Singapore or China !
- [gA] compared to China and Singapore, WallSt contract market is age-friendly to older guys like me, providing a real prospect of dev-till-70
- [ga] robust career longevity in a stable domain, arguably higher security than the FTE. See G5 Shields@family_livelihood #workout #600w for more details.
- [wa] vitality — sleep, appetite, bmi, belly, fitness ..
- [fa] Singapore’s affordable healthcare + medi-shield
- [f] debt-free + passive incomes on appreciating assets. Personal balance sheet projected till retirement
- [f] concrete, spacious, well-located, low-maintenance home, paid off
- —- the most fundamental parts of a person’s dream life are often “freedom from unwanted …”:
- [w] no bulging belly, no other weight problem
- [w] freedom from physical or emotional pains such as sleep, tooth, neck, plantar fasciitis
- [wa] freedom from no-pain-but-worrisome health conditions
- [f] freedom from mortgage + other debts #overlap with another item but a different angle
- [f] freedom from cash-flow strain #overlap OK
- [f] freedom from worry about retirement, medical, college funding
- [g] freedom from immigration concerns … complex unknowns. I can Feel the collective pains of thousands of immigrants from China, India, East Europe, …
- freedom from two long commutes each weekday eating into my precious spare time and rest time. A huge pain for me.
- [g] freedom from PIP, damaged goods…
- [w] freedom from unsustainable work stress #not strictly [w] or [g]
- [g] freedom from monotonous yet tiring job
- freedom from conflicts with wife, in-laws, or kids
- no criminal record
- [wa] no sexual difficulty
- [wa] no deteriorating eyesight or stiff joints which are common at my age.
- —- short-term (and specific) factors of my current dream life
- [w] no stigma (deadliest pain) due to PIP, bonus, boss pressure
- no tough decision
- carefree ≅ plenty @ t$buffer
- —- other specific Details of my dream life
- no bedbug
- no green card worries
- no credit report anxiety
- [w] diet and weight under control. No craving for starch or fat or sugar
- [w] affordable yoga + exercise classes
- [w] cheap fruits and raw veg
- [w] living close to exercise park
- —- factors NOT part of my current “dream life”
- [a] ? promotion? isn’t part of my current dream life.
- [A] ? keeping-up-with-the-Joneses? isn’t part of my current dream life.
- [a|A = too much attachment ]
- [w = wellness]
- [f =financial health, over long term]
- [g =gz i.e. robust career, over long term]