multi-cockpit design: #OOSOOM


Having 2 cockpits (with 2 printers) is a luxury, but I do appreciate privacy in some cockpit. During off-work hours, the ultimate privacy cockpit is office.

A real cockpit needs many small bins including drawers

— cockpit1 to get MLP monitor?
🙁 will reduce standing time
🙁 moving the desk out to access the wiring would be harder
🙁 desk rather small

— pain relief: reducing the acute dependency on home cockpits.
Aha: If I can sleep earlier on most days, then more public cockpits (never mind office cockpit) are viable.
Aha: If I can use minimalist cockpits, then more public cockpits are viable, and I can let meimei sleep in her room and have more intimacy even after wife starts working
Aha: avoid eating while working on computer. This way, minimalist cockpit is more viable.

Q: the most important j4 cockpit?

  1. OOSOOM .. see below
  2. big table to lay out my personal stuff .. Not possible in public cockpits
  3. some (small) rack as overflow storage

— minimalist cockpit .. easier to relocate

  • Depend on a rack in cockpit? I have reduced this “dependency” to a tiny (or smaller) overflow storage
  • Depend on a printer or external monitor? Luxury. I now delay printing to office
  • Depend on big desk in cockpit? Can hold big monitor. Can hold food tray while work on the laptop. These features are luxuries not essential.

I used to rely on a minimalist “public cockpit” in MRT , bus interchange, library or a fast-food restaurant. I think that practice would tend to increase my dependency on WPress.
— cockpit_0 in living room..
distraction — see cope with distractions, stick out]cockpit1
— cockpit2 in room 2 but tablespace too limited
— cockpit3 in master room if meimei sleeps in her own room. I need to stand ready to relocate my cockpit2.
🙂 built-in shelf space in the nearby wardrobe, but no enough
— cockpit1 in boy’s room .. not sure if boy will accept it, so unwise to install 4 power points.

Avoid eating if big monitor is set up.

— OOSOOM.. Opening example: when wife scolds ah-boy, even when I was locked into my cockpit#2, I would often decide (unwisely) to come out and scold ah-boy. Slippery slope… losing my concentration, if not losing my cool in the end —

I often under-estimate the importance of oosoom due to boy’s (but never meimei’s) misbehavior.

Out-of-sight-out-of-mind is the Main j4 privacy and advantage of cockpit#2. For this purpose, I need to remember the earphone. See ##private corners during lockdown

==== makeshift cockpit4: laundry room with unique “privacy hours”

  • Can  set up wall-mounted (glue) shelves as overflow storage, but wife may not like, and tcost could be prohibitive
  • suction hooks
  • natural lighting is better than lamp during morning, evening and cloudy afternoons. Night time can use either the super-bright laundry ceiling lamp or the toilet ceiling lamp.
  • .. If too bright (not sure how often), then paste something on window, or turn the screen
  • need to avoid rain
  • need a real stool for occasional sit-down. Alternatively, can unplug n carry laptop to any table.
  • use power extension bar for now. Later consider adding 2 permanent power points right below common bathroom window. Monitor, laptop and Printer can all use power strip.
  • kitchen door to block out noise. TV is further away. OOSOOM beats #1173
  • signal strength.. Try
    1. 0-tiger when available. At late night, the hotspot is more usable at cockpit4, though the visible bars look bad
    2. power line devices .. ctbz [periodically power off to prolong service life]
    3. vivo hotspot .. _b_u_t_ Beware the huge risk of leaving home without it
    4. mlphone hotspot … _b_u_t_ need to monitor mlphone data usage, though I have a justification to use it in my “new, unfurnished cockpit”
    5. use a “bridge” laptop hotspot in 2.4GHz .. with/out power saving. No consumption of mobile data 🙂
    6. moving to the dining table at night … _b_u_t_ I won’t be able to stand

Q : (introspection) If cockpit1 is “guaranteed”, what do I value in cockpit 4 beside connectivity?

  1. A: standing desk. Am treating the standing desk as worth $400. Standing is self-care
  2. bigger desk .. for big monitor [efficiency], among other things. In contrast, Cockpit 1 has a smallish desk, but I can adapt.

Q : (introspection) If cockpit4 is there, what do I value in cockpit 1 beside connectivity?

  1. A: noise/privacy
  2. A: Air-conditioner. Saving grace — Water tap is near cockpit4.. better than #1173 living room
  3. shelf space… but I don’t feel deprived in cockpit4

One thought on “multi-cockpit design: #OOSOOM

  1. Move 2nd monitor home only after all other stressor subsides [boy subject combo, meimei exam,,,] as it tends to create new stress

    move monitor home and free up office rEstate. Put it on the slender ikea shelf. However this monitor set-up is not badly needed and might get removed someday. In fact, it can /deflate/ my motivation to stand more in cockpit4

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