- ^ upper body strength; flexibility
- = math facetimes. With boy I may need to come home earlier (tricky)
- ^ recreational read`]ff while reducing movies
power surge? math session;
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner??????
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Fri, Sat
- — traditional targets:
- work proj
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Fri math facetime with both kids
- Mon 30m math facetime with boy
- Tue
- standing:
- sun 2h
- Mon 1h
- Tue 2h
- Wed 1h
- stretch:
- Fri 15m@mrt
- Mon 15m@mrt
- Wed 15m@mrt
- muscle endurance # in terms of current priority: flexible >▲upper-body strength >▼CRE #5/wk
- Fri: thin-bar 40; chin-up 20+20+10 #piggyback on yesterday
- Sat rock climb 40m, tough on fingers + upper body. Still tired next day.
- Sun chin-up 50 #piggyback on yesterday
- Tue non-stop 30m@GBB
- Wed chin-up 30 + 30 + 30 + 20
- Fri sq 2x
- Sat jogg 3x888m; swim 100m;
- Tue jogg 3k
== diet