On my resume, I put University of Chicago as the only name in the “Education” section. It doesn’t help me at all now I’m 43 applying as a software engineer. So for my kids, if they can enroll in such a prestigious uni, great. If not, I think they may not lose that much.
This name-brand is an underwhelming ROI , but still a G5 ROI.
UChicago is a world top 2 university in economics, and every few year gets a Nobel prize, often in economics, physics and chemistry, either due to a current faculty member or a previous employee or graduate.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_by_university_affiliation is fairly rigorous and unbiased. It ranks UChicago as world #4 with count of 100.
https://www.bestmastersprograms.org/50-universities-with-the-most-nobel-prize-winners/ ranks UChicago as world #4
http://www.uchicago.edu/about/accolades/22/ (official) lists 90+ Nobel laureates, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_affiliated_with_the_University_of_Chicago names 100 individuals, including
- · president Obama, who taught at UChicago.
- · 杨振宁, 李政道, 李哲
- · Black-Scholes option math authors
In the national media (BBC, NBC …) every month I would see some UChicago professors interviewed.
The UChicago MBA program is typically ranked top 3 across the U.S., sometimes #1.
As an alumnus, I would say UChicago is more famous than many of the Ivy League universities. (All private universities.)