These are the skills important for later exams such as PSLE or SAT .
- 上下文 猜字
- writing – content-generation. Most untrained writers don’t have enough content.
- blogging
- writing – vocab. Good writers have a sufficient vocabulary.
- writing – discuss a topic from both sides. Dabao is smart enough to do this.
- (writing – Grammar? not foundation skill at this stage.)
- summarizing
- pinyin
- 识字
- 偏旁部首 识别
- basic mental arithmetics
- multiplication verse. Not fast enough but much better than kids without this training
- arithmetics within 20. This is the foundation of all addition/subtraction.
- familiarity with numbers.
- sanity checks
- quick estimation
- estimation with pen and paper
- quick mental arithmetics
- multiply by 5
- multiple by 2
- divide by 2