First search on kayak depart on Sat-1; return on Fri+1.
When comparing a lot of choices, it’s more efficient to focus on a single depart/return date pair, shortlist a few then move on to another specific date pair.
It’s always a good idea to establish a DeC [Default choice]. Make sure price is available, no airport-change. Once you have a DeC, benchmark other choices against it.
Note DeC may disappear within hours.
— priorities as of 2025..
- avoid landing in Changi past 9pm before a workday. In such a case, I would arrange to come in late next day, but there will be lots of pending tasks at home. Instead, Sat landing has proven valuable.
- (wellness) avoid long sleepless hours like leaving office on Friday evening at hour T, layover, arriving in Beijing T+12. See depart Changi: prefer Fri evening
- avoid wasting precious AnnL
- — now the lower priorities
- We are not so poor. I can and should be willing to pay some $200 extra for wellness and stress relief. Overnight flight can affect my health as I grow older.
- half a day difference in Beijing is not much, given how many times I visit them
- catchment of China banking days .. 4D is slightly better than 3D
- nonstop flight .. better safety for Channel520
— depart Changi Tue morning .. landing in PEK Tue evening, good for Wed bank visit. Note I only need to visit about 6 times in a year.
J4: save one day AnnL
— depart PEK Thu morning .. landing in Changi Thu evening. Unpack only on Fri night
J4: save one day AnnL
— prebook changeable non-refundable ticket… Low risk of forced cancel.
Need to confirm the T&C.
— direct vs one-stop.. Direct is worth $100
- can carry thicker cash pile
- more sleep before/after flight
- more time with grandparents
— scoot to Tianjin, then HSR to 南站? Too much legwork booking, calling, and too many segments. Requires $100 for compensation. No obligation to check Scoot before booking a flight
* 11 May 2025 … all $205. Multi-booking is inferior
* 3 Jan 2025 … all $205. Return around $180. Multi-booking is about $390, inferior
* 27 Oct 2024 … all $185. Return $200+ and risky. Multi-booking is about $390 not worthwhile
— short layover inside China is risky ..
* I must exit China 海关安检 during the short layover… all while carrying cash. The cash and the long queue is an additional sys2 overload.
* You may need to re-check in luggage
* Additionally, some domestic flights can get rescheduled
==== Sgp <-> NY flights
#4) layover sleep 4-7H (+3h transit) esp. on return to NY
Count how many hours of family time is saved vs the cost.
— priorities as of 2019
- 6H+ eastward layover, provided there’s an airside hotel. Not in Guangzhou
- Avoid wasting an off day in NY.. better spent with family
- Leaving Sat morning OK but no later
- Arriving in NY Sun OK, but not earlier
- sleep immediately after landing in NY, so avoid landing on weekday morning
- I feel landing on Sunday night is a bit too “穷/thrifty“ as I would need to work 5 days.
- LG2: reduce longest segment
- LG2: avoid super-long layover to SG .. time better spent with family, but 4 hours difference is no big deal
- LG2: leaving SG in evening or night .. like 23:25 in Nov 2018? need to sleep enough Before flight. Don’t rely solely on the eastward layover hotel as it could surprise you.
- better spend time with family the night before + the last morning, then sleep 5H after lunch, then family dinner.
- LG2: reduce the number of remote working days .. a privilege not to be abused. Avoid accidental billing loss? but if I lose an extra Friday I can work an extra day in Singapore without any problem. Value an extra vacation day at …. $150 (used to be $200)
- LGlp: avoid spending a SG public holiday in NY