##MixedCase, 2char abbr #FixD,BrE

This bpost has two focuses.

— Mixed abbreviations are flexible.

  1. BrE .. break even
  2. ChnM… Note Chn is a well-established abbreviation, so ChnM is better than ChM
  3. DSnA .. DataStrucure and Algorithm
  4. MSff .. tolerable, but “MSOffice” is more common
    1. For MSOutlook, maybe use MSOL, but I’d rather use MSOutlook
  5. SGrn .. Singaporean. The “rn” can stand for “ren2”
  6. SiV .. silicon valley
  7. WStC

— Some of the two-letter abbreviations can benefit from mixed-case. Two-char abbreviations is often badly overloaded, so as much as possible, I want to use longer forms.

  • FB, HK, UK -> leave it as is
  • DP -> DynP
  • GC -> GCard
  • GS -> Goldman
  • IV (job Interview)? JIV, better than TIV (tech interview, because some interviews are not technical at all)
  • MD -> MgD, based on “mgr”
  • ML and AI .. let’s try to use “ML/AI” to emphasize ML,  or “AI/ML” to emphasize AI.
  • MS -> MSFT
  • NS -> SgNS
  • RP -> RffP = raffles place
  • RV -> ReVe = RecreationalVehicle
  • SA -> SumA
  • TD -> FixD, better than TimeD
  • ts -> tstmp
  • WC (West coast) -> WCBA. Note WC >> SBA > SiV [see ablove]. I like WCBA as a vague and flexible term