Weekday allocation:
- jogging — allocate up to 2 sessions/day. Avoid “spending” private hours. For evening jogging, see below.
- work — 30min chunks throughout the day.
- Can use private hours or other hours
- late evening (10.30pm – 2am) is golden. Better use it on the most heavy-lifting.
- reading news on paper — more comfortable than online
- covid19 news reading — avoid private hours
- Robinhood and per investment — avoid private hours. Limit to once in one or two days
- email processing — may need private hours. Non-urgent emails should postpone to weekends
- shopping as relaxing /pastime/ — but quite time-consuming
- sleep — see early rise during lockdown: Have I tried@@
Evening time is golden, and kinda special
- often in good mood for project work. Kids are less distracting and less shouting/fighting.
- more family harmony, less conflict, confrontation with parents over academic study.
- early evening: best time for jogging — most lively at the jogging tracks, with lowest resistance.
- early evening: often best time for meimei cycling
- after dinner: often good time for a family movie