##[20]steadfast focus@3priorities during lockdown

see also (amidst countless demands)steadfast focus@protecting..#harmony,wellness

Amid the overwhelming demands on me, I want to keep a steadfast focus on these priorities:

  1. self-care — recognize the real demand/load on my system, and wellness hazard to my system. See ##self-care private hour usages
  2. family harmony, esp. with ah-boy
  3. PIP ——– (+ job security ) try to be rational, optimistic, mellow up and DoYourJob
  4. — LG2
  5. provide (emotional,logistical,,) support for grandparents. See separate blogpost
    • To a lesser extent wife also needs lots of support
  6. support kids+wife on home-schooling — the essential support needed from me is probably not so high
  7. diet and exercise — is a minor sub-focus of self-care
  8. face time with boy? Just LGpp

Sugg: allocate more time to these priorities. More leave is needed but not a major solution.

Looking at the heavy-hitter list, time allocation has emerged as key to everything, again! THE scarce resource is time, esp. private hours and quality time.

This great lockdown wipes out most of my private hours, cuts into my self-care. I lost my balance and unable to provide enough support for grandparents. I also feel less productive in my projects.

Compared to my earlier episodes of heightened stress,

  • I’m lucky to have no UChicago taking up 40 hours a week
  • I’m lucky the current codebase is more transparent than c++, pymodels/pixel, or Qz
  • I’m lucky to have a job in a mainstream technology, unlike Qz
  • I’m lucky to be free from in-law bitter miscommunication
  • Most important — no PIP, the biggest stressor of all