Private hour is precious, mostly for self-care. I need to be selective when allocating private hours. If I devise a scheme to record utilization rate of each 30-min block, I suspect bulk of my private hours are spent .. elsewhere.
- sleep — Aim at more sleep (8H) than under un-heightened stress.
- Under heightened stress, Lack of sleep creates profound risk on performance worry, immunity, family harmony…. the steadfast focus targets
- therapeutic blogging, including some emails with friends, is my version of “meditation”.
- I had to do this at MRT or in a park, with mlphone as hotspot
- git-blogging and web blogging both became therapeutic self-care
- work project — underlies self-confidence, self-esteem, and reduces self-hate, anxiety… May need private hour
- localSys including reviews — less likely to need private hours
Q: what self-care t-spends don’t work so well
A: Don’t aim to be there for “them” all the time. I need quietime4selfcare
A: movies
A: Robinhood — too time consuming. I can’t “stop after 1 minute” as i wanted
Some self-care acts do __N_O_T__ require private hour:
- home repairs — (similar to gardening) tcost but can be therapeutic. Sense of achievement.
- covid19 news reading
- Robinhood, FSM
- read [[chicken soup]], [[读者]] etc
- Eng vocab blog review
- movies with kids — generate self-hate, though it sometimes builds some bonding
- time with grandpa — yes self-care
- help grandparents with logistics — not self-care
- longer sleep than before — Can generate guilt. Can help immunity
- — the familiar
- git-blogging or review of tanbinvest and 610610 blogs? guilty, but can do during day time, in another room.
- jogging, perhaps in parks? don’t need private hours. probably the most efficient self-care. Sometimes it lifts my mood, but this time is mostly invisible self-care. I need to maintain and hopefully increase the workout.
- mini exercise? kind of self-care, albeit too short to feel “tough” enough; Doesn’t need private hour
- tech xx or recrec blog? makes me feel doing something to strengthen myself, but no private hour needed