These are examples of “smart ctbz” and /minimalist/ lifestyle
- eg: knife-holder magnet … inherited in 2013 from previous owner of #1173, but decommissioned soon.
- eg: Dell250 had some defects but still usable today. Aspire … was showing its age many, many times..
- eg: Brother printer had repeated defects, but still usable
- eg: stand`desk was too bulky for #1169 [living room, bedrooms] and almost discarded, but now found new use in cockpit4
- eg: ikea room divider almost discarded, under pressure from wife….
- eg: ikea round coffee table was replaced by the rectangular coffee table, but I found use of it under my stand`desk in #1173
- eg: too many spare ikea planks in #1173, bound to be discarded, but now deployed in #1169