luggage cases/bags: which2discard

— multitude of spare suitcases at home .. right now, too many small suitcases. Paradoxically, seeing one of the suitcases damaged due to wear-n-tear is … a satisfying sigh of relief. The multitude of spare suitcases are a concrete example of emotional baggage.
sugg: sell some small suitcases if new?? No
Sugg: give away a small suitcase online
Sugg: I want to pick one worn-out small suitcase and use it frequently until damaged. So I would focus on those vulnerable parts.

— frequently worn-out parts…

  1. wheels
  2. retractable handle .. I could/did use short handle, as a temporary fix
  3. zipper .. I could/did repair

==== various features of empty suitcases/luggage bags
— unimportant features: weight; lock
— feature (minor): expandable ..
— feature: rigid .. Duffle bags are easier to store and easy for carry-on, but inconvenient on domestic short trips
— feature: 4-wheel
— feature: external zip pockets .. convenience on domestic short trips

==== EMC locations for the rigid luggage cases
Office cabinet was a privilege (for a while), not a right.
— under bed .. capacity 🙁 .. only those smaller suitcases can fit
Must keep wheels very very clean. Better wrap them up
— top of wardrobe .. the lighter the better
— Omar shelf
— common corridor