As an Opening example, SG citizenship is one of my biggest winning bets because Singapore has become more attractive, more highly valued after I “bought”. How about my UChicago credential?
Sometimes I see this pursuit as senseless “keeping up with the Joneses”, but this pursuit is not superfluous (show-off) as a designer handbag. In contrast, it’s comparable to “BQ” i.e. qualify for Boston marathon, as earning this degree requires real effort.
We ought to recognize that a prestigious degree is an achievement in itself. It builds my confidence, self-esteem,,, Some people choose to incur a high (t)cost to get a degree, be it prestigious or not, not only to further their career.
— absorbency .. renewed confidence in my absorbency for dry, difficult subjects for months and years.
— self-confidence / pride … in my talent and IQ, esp. in coding tests. Explained in MSFM^NUS grades: top student self-image
— renewed confidence in my math and in my academic career.
“top student in a top college”
— 江郎才尽 self-perception (undeniable, irremovable) now removed like a miracle
This prestigious degree completes my satisfying assessment “not left behind on any front”
Brank peer comparison .. brank battle: lost n letting go #mellow
— missed the boat (branded degree) .. In my younger days, I missed the chance to get a branded degree. Now I managed to get ahead of my peers. Most of my Shiyan or HJC classmates don’t have a branded degree.
— ending on a high note