Q: Which parts of my self-study over the past 2 years are relevant to my Singapore job search?
I only had a small number of job interviews in Singapore. I found my self-study only marginally useful. (My self-study targeted Wall Street job market.)
* c++. I have attended about 5 (UBS, MS, SCB, Citi…) Singapore job interviews involving c++
* database tuning and tricky queries. asked a few times. I believe many Singapore job interviews do touch on database, and challenging DB questions often involve tuning and tricky query. Therefore, my self-study helped. Without them those questions are too tough.
* low-latency. Asked 1 or 2 times. Not used much in my systems, so self-study is a must.
* fixed income pricing. I think 2 or 3 job interviews asked this. Without self-study, my on-the-job exposure would not give me any insight to these concepts. I would draw a blank to most questions.
* option math. I think 1 or 2 job interviews asked this.
* Forex. I think 1 or 2 job interviews asked this
Another value of self-study — i feel confident to apply for positions in forex, quant developer, interest-rate-swap…. Without self-study, it's hard to feel confident.