[20]G6 PERSONAL traits4carefree feat #ffree++


For a background on my current carefree status, see

see also ##lifelong Habits i wish to pass to next generation

In contrast to G4 PERSONAL advantages: Revealed over15Y #byHalf, this current blogpost explores a (hopefully) diverse range of “traits”.

Q: The attachment question — am I holding on to these “things” too tight?
A: yes to financial assets, health

If I must name top 3 (personal/non-personal) factors for my ffree relative to my peers, then 1) citizenship 2) burn 3) credit risk taking. However, this blogpost is more about personal traits for my self-made carefree status (I didn’t say “ffree”). In other words,

Q: Look at my (no-mean) achievements over the last 20Y in terms of “carefree”, what personal qualities, not external factors, do I attribute them to?

Shorter and specific answers best. Roughly ranked

  • [bp] 1) absorbency — joy of learning + body-building, esp. valuable in U.S. and c++/java market , not support or sys-admin or web dev.
    • [b] body-building success
  • [p] 4) self discipline, self-improvement, motivation (not “ambition”), focus on my priorities and giving up many battles.
  • [p] 6) focus on spare time — I got so much achieved in my spare time
  • —- the big, familiar items
  • [p] 2) wellness habits — confidence to keep working productively till old age
    • [bd] wellness condition
  • [bp] 3) burn rate — a frugal wife was my blessing
    • Avoid debt. Live within my means
  • [dp] 5) steadfast focus on non-work income, rather than windfall. My non-work income is key to my bare-bones ffree
    • calculated risk-taking, esp. credit risk
  • — other interesting traits
  • [p] resilience — (not “optimism” exactly) I have had my share of setbacks, adversities,,,
  • [p] reflective blogging habit — as a coping method. Self-knowledge
  • boycott to FOMO — see separate blogpost

Now, below are some of the personal qualities that I would not include in the heavy-hitter list. Some don’t contribute to ‘carefree‘ exactly. Some don’t qualify as ‘personal‘ qualities.

  • [p] careful planning of career and cash flow — to be elaborated
  • [bd] Singapore citizenship — (not so personal) esp. housing, CPF-life, resilient currency,, Some would name this as the #1 “carefree” factor but vast majority of Singapore citizens are not carefree.
  • [bd] stable marriage — my dumb luck or my karma? Doesn’t sound like a personal quality
  • [!d] credentials — UChicago and NUS, reputable ibanks. No attachment 🙂
  • [d] hand-picked collection of bx plans — (not a personal quality) medishield, eldershileld,,,
  • [b=a blessing]
  • [p=personality attribute]
  • [d=holding too tight, so detachment needed]