cheat days~controlled indulgence

mindful eating is related term.

Q: Diet counselor asked “Do you have cheat days?” I don’t have cheat days but I told her about my controlled indulgence:

A: When I was living alone in Singapore, sometimes I would have one or two ice cream cones. In the U.S. more likely I have a tub. Less often (but more cheating) I would have a piece of creamy cake, but always with lots of raw veg or chia seed.

A: sometimes stress also leads to binge eating, but not really cheating.

Like the ice cream: controlled indulgence, these experiences are more conscious, more managed. In contrast, unplanned loss-of-control due to home-cooked foods or office free foods,,,, is not cheat-day.

temptation=#1 challenge4diet provides a framework.