what motivates you

Are these good enough answers?

A common IV question is “what motivates you” (or the similar “your career goals”, “where do you see yourself in 10 years”). I don’t like to give vague answers nor detailed answers. Here’s my answer


My family. Long term well being of my family.


I hope interviewer doesn’t ask further. If they do, I’d add


              I’d like to find a promising company, add real value, and remain on the cutting edge of technology.

If the company specializes in a particular market (FX, fixed income, options etc), I would say

              I'd like to build on my experience in other asset classes and deepen my expertise in this promising market.

If the company specializes in some particular technology (low-latency, python, risk engine etc), I would say

               I'm fascinated with this technology.

TAN, Bin (Victor) http://blog.tanbin.com