deal with 搬家-stressors #retrospect

  • #1a stressor: misplacing things .. one of us can’t find what we need. In every house-move, I always worry about misplacing many many things.
    Entropy — by default everything dump into a pile. Ideally, we want 3 times the space, so each person can dump personal belongs into a personal room, and lay them out on huge tables.
  • .. sugg: perhaps move the essential items in advance || at last from external storage
  • .. sugg: set up spare open storage in advance like as described below
  • #1b stressor: many decisions .. including (related to 1a) the permanent “placement/home” of dozens of family belongings, allocating storage locations.  All decisions generate stress during a big house-move
  • #1y unexpected stressor: insufficient storage for all our belongings so they dump in the rooms, but luckily I have many shelves and tables set up in advance.
  • .. sports stuff, books,
  • .. power extension bars
  • .. empty containers .. cheap and can throwaway
  • .. light bulbs .. many “free” ones
  • #2a stressor: accident -> injuries .. due to sharp object, falling object, fall from height,,, (Door closer is an injury prevention, but it is not urgent.)
  • .. slowing down helps
  • .. hiring professionals help
  • #2b stressor: accident -> damage to … just about every object during the move
  • .. new kitchen counter
  • .. new tiles
  • .. new curtain
  • .. glass
  • stressor: running out of runway
  • stressor: missing boss expectation at work
  • —- now some of the minor or less specific stressors
  • stressor: cost control

We need spare capacity like buffer days, spare time to wind down, spare shelves/foldable tables,,,

— Q: the darkest hour during the move?
A: 3pm after the movers dumped everything in the new home. Acute pains include the bigBedBack`, the broken legacy lock, paint spill, washing machine pipe break

entropy, #1b, #1y.

Slow digestion

Luckily, we did pre-move and pre-allocate a lot.

— Q: how can money [like $300] relieve these stressors, given my cash flow optimization is generating profits.
A: external storage + taxi. Last time I did rent for 3M and it worked well [#1a, #1b]
A: spare boxex
A: temporary tables/shelves.. How do I achieve discard-without-guilt? Well, I bought a big metal wardrobe and I had to sell to the English tutor… not a painful experience !

— tables, OPEN shelves, transparent open boxes, organizing boxes .. are valuable during the move. Content is visible [#1a].
Don’t throwaway any table/shelve please. Consider buying cheap plastic shelves like shoe cabinets, only when confirm-needed

am subconsciously trying to reassure myself by creating 50% more rack space than needed in the storeroom… but i sense the perfectionist tendency (safety, stability, ctbz,,,). Also, see diminishing return

One sturdy rack was able to provide numerous hangers.

==== external storage .. provides exclusive storage for me alone.
Storeroom is 50% exclusive, but I can negotiate with wife to let me take full use of it.

The top shelves are 80% exclusive to me.

A foldable wardrobe in the corridor also provides exclusive storage .. Sg vendor slightly safer. Quality is the most likely derailer. Otherwise I would want to use it for 44 years.

—  office .. (feels like 90% exclusive) only 50% exclusive because I can’t move stuff during office hours

books .. are too heavy for the big move; are homeless in the first few days; can take up precious real estate wherever they go. Therefore, I would rather box them up, taxi them to office during off work hours