My first hand experience on quality of eduction :
- UChicago uses all master grads as tutors while NUS strictly employs only PhD holders as tutorial teachers. A small part of the reason is the heavy assignments. Grading them requires no PhD holders. Stanford does the same as UChicago.
- UChicago: Two of the most important lecturers were PhD candidates, not PhD holders
- NUS tutorial class size is up to 20 students, as the 200+ students were divided into tutorial groups. In contrast, UChicago has one big tutorial class with close to 100 students.
- UChicago has 3-hour lectures, clearly lower quality than the hourly lectures at NUS.
Job interviewers mostly gauge aptitudes and to a lesser extent communications/personality.
The required aptitude needs learning and growing. In this learning process, the primary factor is motivation (beside talent). For this reason, quality of education matters.
For my son, internship would be a big part of “quality@edu”.
— why k.Hu chose NUS
his health condition at the time.
No scholarship available for more prestigious universities.
A branded college was assessed as “not worth the cost” at bachelor level. My parents also had a similar view.
— distance learning? Many people ask me how the UChicago MSFM is Not a distant learning program.
- We had a Singapore campus where projects and tutorials take place and where staff maintain offices.
- Singapore campus had conference rooms, library, project rooms.
- Exams were conducted strictly in an exam venue on campus.
- All lectures have live video link between Chicago and Sgp
- About 1/3 of the lectures were conducted locally and live-streamed to Chicago campus
- More than half the professors visited and taught at Singapore campus