Due to 1) drug risk 2) grandparents needing my help in twilight years, I will consider these options below.
— 1) First, keep current job despite low bonus (see live with$0bonus^forgo best flexibleHours+commute+workload, Grandpa’s wisdom@PIP #mlp++), until they let me go or until boy is mature enough to leave SG .
In Feb 2020 mail, CSY said “I think the best way to avoid all of those is to find an ideal permanent job (go through the process once) and continue to work for a long time.” The chief “maximization constraint” is not really job loss at MLP, but rather the challenges of next jobs — PIP, bonus humiliation, stress, … I would have to give up my parachute.
— 2) If I lose this job
Plan A1 — go to U.S. right away and work for 6 – 12M, while looking for SG job. XR was surprised to hear this plan: Once settled down in the U.S., immediately start looking for a SG job that I feel confident about.
- Wife would need to quit working and hire a maid.
Plan A2 — go to U.S. right away to set up home for family. Find a drug-free high school or a religious/charter school, and pray for the best.
- main problem is boy’s character development, not academics
Plan B1 — Give myself 3M to find a SG job around 140k i.e. my target during the 2019 job search.
- Need to accept the FOLB peer comparison pain + and face the PIP risk
Plan B2 — Give myself 1M to find a SG job around 80k quickly, to reduce PIP risk. Perhaps a junior or contract job.
- Compared to B1, B2’s main downside is FOLB. Rely on those passive incomes
— 3) For the B-plans:
if not happy, go to U.S. on my own for half to to 2 years, on H1b. XR’s suggestion is “a few years”, confirmed in Jun 2020 mail. Grandpa also suggested a few years.
if not, take plan A2