see also
Kindness is one of the G3 (top 3) essential traits of a good person, a respectable person, or a high-quality person. You want kind individuals in your team, in your family, in leadership. However, this bpost goes beyond kind/unkind.
Trigger: Since my 40s, I often explain my “good life” in terms of good karma. I guess karma is about consequences but I feel karma is also about intent.
Trigger: Increasingly, I tell my family and friends (and I believe) that I’m a good person, but by what standard? We judge a person by her impacts on others around her, and her intentions. Kindness is one of the intentions.
Both Buddhism and Christianity share a tradition of forgiving and accepting ex-criminals, provided they are repentant/remorseful. Clearly, “Impact” is not everything, since intention is a big factor.
Penal systems in many countries recognize both damage (a form of Impact) and intention. In contrast, most awards focus exclusive on Impact, because noble intent is commonplace. Donors are ranked by donation amount.
Venkat of RTS is one of the rare examples of an unkind person.
— 恶有恶报 善有善报 — one of the most powerful “karma laws of the universe” is about kind/unkind.
Hinduism vs Buddhism vs Chinese beliefs after Buddism came to China …. have related concepts of karma. I will NOT include other religions …I’m less familiar. I think Buddist karma concept was developed After Hinduism, so the karma concept has been evolving and not cast in stone.
Q: On Judgment Day, when you stand before God or 阎王爷(Yan2wang2ye2), what things count? Your impacts or your intentions? %%A: Good or bad deeds done with intention.
There are countless unintentional acts we do without knowing “good or bad”. The impact may manefest later but no human (not even Buddha) has 100% foresight about every act. In my world view, karma doesn’t apply in these cases.
— morality .. more strict than kindness
A leader needs moral compass, so kindness is relatively less important. LKY is probably not the most kind person.
I’m also a good husband but not always kind to my wife. Many otherwise kind men are unfaithful to their partners!
In some positions (such as law enforcement), kindness is probably less important than fairness.
The western description of 江青 and many other politicians tends to focus on the personal character including unkindness. In contrast, Mao and many other communists have a respectable character.