yoga4life: regular practice #Jess.Lin

at twice a week, the total hours would be 3 to 5 /wk, based on my Bayonne experience. This is much more than the hours I can allocate to all other workouts combined. Therefore, the tcost is unsustainable.

Reality is, yoga isn’t life-saving like kidney dialysis that must be performed weekly. Most guys are unable to do 3 sessions/week and therefore 3 sessions/week is unrealistic for most people, just like 5 workouts/week.

The sustainable tcost has to be based on self-practice.

The challenge is mostly in the mind. I was able to climb at least one flight of stairs every day when living in Blk 177 or #1173.

Daily practice is not easy at all. Let’s be realistic. Key is frequency. Aim at “regular” exercise. Okay to be vague.

jolt: I’m able to hold lotus position for 15min every trip on MRT.

— frq and duration ..
Goal 5: try to stretch for 5 min on the body part you last used. Aim for 1-2 such stretches a week.
Goal 3: One realYoga instructor suggested “Daily practice with easy yin-yoga pose but hold it for up to 2 min.” I can do some easy stretch (like lotus) for 30 sec every day.
Goal 2: If you can’t then I would say aim for 2 minutes twice a week for 2 months.
Goal 1: If you can’t then I would say aim for 1 minute a week. I think it would be (significantly) better than nothing. It’s better than most guys, as I told the PlatinumYoga salesman.

Longer sessions? not practical due to my current mental block. Short sessions have the “anywhere” advantage

— modest vs tough poses
Negative xp: In Macq corridor, I focused on only the hard poses and gave up within weeks. Now I want to use modest ones.

The realYoga instructor said “easy stretches”.

Jess Lin said even the easy poses can be helpful. From a physiological point of view, she might be right. Am no expert.

Jess said many easy poses can become challenging when you focus on your form. Downward dog is good case in point. Correct downward dog (AA) is as hard as pigeon (BB), but I can easily ease into AA , from an incorrect form. The incorrect form still helps and is easy to accept. With BB, I just feel lousy. It’s crucial to recognize that

  • some poses are way too hard even in an incorrect form. Even 10% of that pose would be too hard for me
  • Therefore, those poses create self-hate and are counter-productive, so I had better avoid them.
  • However, they still pop up either in class or from memory. They are hardball (even the Tallboys). Since I don’t have the helmet I need to play dodgeball, deflect, or strengthen my mental toughness.

I would use mostly modest poses, and try hard ones only when in the mood.

When you stop breathing (perhaps in the tough zone), your focus is off and you are no longer doing yoga.

— Q: how many poses?
Pick from a modest pool of 20 poses. There are hundreds of poses but I can ignore them for my life and still have a rewarding yoga habit.

— self^group practice
For lifelong practice, foundation has to be self practice. I don’t want to rely solely on the fancy facilities.. unsustainable.

Classes can get me into the tougher zone and longer session. Classes can also reboot a declining routine.