carve out domain-specific blogs

For about 3 years (no need to be precise) I have maintained the separation of three main blogs [tanbinvest / gz / open]. (vocab blog is distinct and “out of scope”.) There are pros and cons of care-out.

— carve out .. a blog on wellness?

  • 👍 tag (and category) universe tend to be leaner, smaller
  • 👍 “most recent bposts” on WPAPP .. are less crowded. I like to keep this special info_radiator lightly used.
  • 👍 search results on WPAPP are more relevant. TheBpostIWasLookingFor is more likely in the top 20.
  • 🙁 more than 10, possibly 30+ bposts would have ambiguous content… hard to pick a blog
  • 🙁 some tags and header_keywords “want” to be cross-blog
  • 🙁 must search on more WPAPP when (rarely) the needle is “ambiguous”, but most needles clearly belong to one blog

— merger

  • 👍 migrating to another wpch would be easier if I have fewer blogs
  • 👍 wpress customization would be easier if I have fewer blogs
  • xp: wise decision to merge the “less polished” blog into the recrec blog.

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