#1 defense after losing control: bao3shan1

In my vernacular/jargon, Bao3shan1 (宝山) means street-by-street defense.

  • slogan: When I lose grip I don’t Give Up control. I continue to exercise self-restraint under severe pressure.
  • slogan: damage control. At this very moment, some level of self-discipline can limit the calorie impact.
  • slogan: stop the bleeding

If you never lose a battle, then you are not struggling enough and your goal is not challenging enough, or you are very harsh and depriving yourself completely.

Losing control doesn’t always happen in a big binge… It could be a single chunk of creamy cake. It could be small as an egg tart but at the wrong time. Out of a thousand (healthy) adults, each will lose control and give in to food temptation once a while. What can we do? Avoiding temptation is always better, but we will face the temptation some day. Therefore, My strategy is mostly on damage-control. Here’s a vivid illustration of damage control —

On History channel, I watched a documentary about Second World War U-boat bunkers (https://www.historynet.com/frances-u-boat-bunkers-survived-the-war-and-thrive-today.htm). Huge Tallboy bombs were able to penetrate one layer but not another layer of the K3 bunker. This Tallboy vs K3 story parallels the bao3shan1 battle.

(Shall we merge into the bigger blogpost https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=16427&action=edit ? No need.)