[19] stressor profile:1st week]SG

  • Stressor #1 new job ramp up during first month. First month passed with 80% effort. Some visible progress, but a lot more invisible progress.
  • stressor #2 BGC payment
  • stressor #3 satisfying sex. Not a destressor … why? I seem to take it as a basic need but many people don’t have it and still feel OK
  • stressor: I took on the challenge to meet Ms Goh and address boy’s math challenge. Stress is largely due to choices
  • [☆] destressor: blogging as a tool for focus, clarification, zoom-in
  • destressor: short commute, with git-blogging. I don’t feel part of my precious spare time is “eroded” by commute
  • [☆] destressor: early sleep
  • stressor: diet and weight? but I started on a new diet under very challenging conditions.
  • stressor: yoga discontinued … but I paid for a membership and created a powerful commitment .. highly effective
  • destressor/declutter: cancelled Everyday ccard; cancelled multiple oc accounts
  • [☆] destressor: SGD expense tracking provided clarity and reassurance
  • destressor: the HY exposure reduced
  • destressor: converted USD 5k, as 5k at home is a stressor
  • stressor: unpacking. luckily I did most of it on 2 Sep
  • stressor: ikea lamp: luckily i used it enough times. Accept that we have lost that part.
  • stressor: insufficient outgoing minutes… cost overrun.. consider buying more minutes just to contain the stress
  • stressor: data overusage. I added mobile data limit
  • [☆ =effective]