myth: body-fat percentage: importance imt weight@@

Many people believe that body-fat percentage is more important than weight — “If most of my weight is muscle and bones, then overweight is fine, like body builders; If some healthy-weight person is full of fat, that is real health issue.”

I agree that BFP is arguably more important than weight … if measurable.

The problem is — any measurement of BFP is extremely inaccurate as far as I know (zero decimal place required). Any theory based on an un-measurable quantity can’t be a useful theory.

— Based on a Aug 2023 assessment at the Obesity center in OCH (SGH campus), my BFP is 17%. For males aged 40~59.*:

  • 12%~17.*% is StandardMinus
  • 18%~22.*% is StandardPlus

In conclusion, at age 49, my BFP is right in the middle of the green zone.

Hui Mei said 17.*% is good for my age group. I think her sample is the Singapore patients including foreigners.

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