k_disk_hog ,,,, k_wechat,,, k_gCloud
— SD card.. I was able to transfer “everything” from internal storage to SD card, to reduce headache and stress-protect against phone loss.
Before I take out SD card, I will need to transfer back “everything” to internal storage.
— history search .. In each conversation, there’s a SearchHistory but not so useful. I consider this one of the worst weaknesses in this product.
— footprint .. You can see a breakdown of cache footprint by contact_name: me -> settings -> general -> manageStorage -> viewWechatSorage.
If your wife once logged into wechat on this device before, and saved 2GB of wechat data in this phone, you can clear it: me -> settings -> general -> manageStorage ->ClearOtherWechatChatHistory
Essential Wechat data takes about 992MB
— transfer wechat history from phone1 to phone2… For whatsapp, https://faq.whatsapp.com/481135090640375/?cms_platform=android shows how to (automatically) back up to gCloud.
After initial log-in, my phone2 showed full WhatsApp history. In contrast, wechat showed empty history after initial log-in.
https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1790065595389448166&wfr=spider&for=pc shows how to do it via wechat Windows Application.
Log-in requires a usable phone1 wechat “instance”. Then you can upload all conversations to windows instance.
Then log out on both windows and phone1. Log in on phone2 and then windows. This way, the windows insance is connected to the phone2 instance on . Then you can select the conversations to download (windows to new phone)
Data transfer goes through internet to wechat server. I prefer wifi rather than mobile data.