Berea college work-n-study

Junli said work-n-study is common in the U.S….

My Morgan Stanley intern Sher Sanginov shared his experience there.

  • All students, whether international (10%) or (90%) local, receive full scholarship + free boarding + food. Low-income students are the main target population for Berea, but average income students can also apply but need to pay some. Total fee is 130k over four years.
    • funding by endowment + donations
    • I think this scheme promises to be a quality education (esp. for my son) at a very low cost

Work-n-study — See

Throughout Year 1  to 4, Students work for 10 hours/week for various departments of the college, and get paid $7/hour. During 4-week winter break and 10-week summer break, school doesn’t take care of students, so student can either

  1. get an external internship if successful, or
  2. go home, or
  3. continue to work in school — pay for boarding but easily affordable if student works 40 hours/week. Sher did that. Sher believed it’s relatively easy to find school job during the breaks. Job can be from same department (more suitable) or other departments.

Freshman internship — Few students can get outside internship in first year. To compete for freshman internships, students need project hyperlinks on the resume, like web/mobile projects done in high school. Once the resume is selected, the internship interviewers will ask some algo or data structure questions. Students should have studied them in Year 1 anyway.

— Type of work

Students can work for any department. For first year, most CS students don’t get CS work, more like cleaning jobs:( For 2nd year onward, it’s more likely to get CS work?

Sher stressed many times — The stronger you are, the more likely you get CS work, like “student programmer”. Teaching Assistant jobs are plenty.

Q: What if the work is too menial, like cleaning? Still better than playing games. Sher said if easy job, then you can finish work early and do something on your own.

Q: what if you don’t like the job assigned to you? All students must work, so if you don’t like your assignment, you could request a change, starting in Year 2. majority of students can cope. If you don’t like it you can raise it to the school. Because such complaints are rare, school can resolve it.