Q: with growing number of worthwhile blogposts. How do I remember their existence?
- method — promote powerful descriptors
- method — use abbr and Chinese in titles of those worthwhile blogposts, so as to squeeze in memorable keywords
- .. Chinese is shorter, but need to provide sufficient English translation to aid search
- .. convert some hyphenated-phrases to camelCase
- method — suffix the title with # annotation1 #annotation2
- method — memory pegs: conversation, question/phrase. Create blogposts.
- method — mass print-out once a while for DRAM-refresh; keep old printouts.
- method — prune pre-emptively
- method — memory pegs: actively use t_fuxi tags, esp. t_fxt
— paradox:
- (fire-n-forget) keeping a big dairy but without review — inefficient, wasteful, primitive. Tolerable for tech content in the recrec blog.
- blogg with lots of review — mounting tcost
Strike a balance ! The tcost of refresh is growing with the volume of my blogs. If I don’t incur the refresh tcost, then a lot of the initial effort is quickly lost.. Fast decay.