I explained in my long email to Susan Lee — y slim down when I’m slimmer than most#Susan. I also explained to Kyle multiple times though without written record. Now in 2019, I see my weight improving past 61kg towards 60kg, I really wish to improve further. Looking deeper inside myself, here are the top 3 reasons:
- lower BMI is a form of deep defense protection against more than half the major illnesses that worry me.
- I believe this protection has to do with the immune system
- coronary diseases is the highest risk given my family history.
- see also BMI deeper green
- longevity is associated with slim body shape, esp for east Asians.
- fitness — has many aspects, but most of the important aspects are critically dependent on body weight. Many aspects of fitness are measured against body weight.
- now I’m the lightest in 20 years, I feel stronger, more powerful, longer-lasting, more energetic
- comfort foods (Kyle) — for de-stress. The slimmer, the more I can afford to use comfort foods for de-stress. I told Kyle this was probably the #1 secret reason. See also background stressor
–Other reasons
- when I overcome my old diet habits,
- I feel more in-control..
- I feel powerful and strong
- I feel I’m taking good care of the body my parents gave me, rather than abusing it.
- I feel good about myself
- Looking around the office, the very slim guys are now my role models.