Many such foods are expensive but not satisfying/delicious. Analogy — at comparable stress levels, some jobs (GS) are less rewarding in learning, brank or income.
* eg: ice cream is much better than fried peanuts. In fact many nus are more calorie dense than ice cream
* many fried social foods are not delicious at all
* Indian desserts are oily and starchy
* 油条
Since my hackathon weekend in mid May 2019, I have loosened my self-restriction and eaten quite a lot of
- ice cream
- millet porridge
- taro
— My intensity of guilt is tied to the quantity of food but 1 pound of these foods are NOT equally nutritious or fattening. I’m ignoring the facts that
- fiber — in taro (also millet) is relatively healthy and automatically stops me from overeating
- water content — in porridge is filling and automatically stops me from overeating
- fat and sugar — is only in the ice cream and missing in the other two
- I chose relatively low-calorie flavors of ice cream
— I also failed to give enough credit to the self-reward factor. I did two exercise classes and 10-20 hours of coding practice in the 2nd weekend of May. I didn’t go out.
Q: Do I rather not have this motivation and avoid this mild level of indulgence?
A: No! Thus motivation is so extremely precious that I would willingly pay this price in terms of some overeating
— This episode of overeating is not loss of control, but rather a controlled indulgence.
— I also failed to look at the other foods I had throughout these days … mostly fruits and frozen vegetables, some tuna, some smoothies at gym. Very little starch (sweet yams) and no fat no chocolates.
On previous “normal” days I frequently eat more chocolates.
I also gave myself a Chinatown 4-dish treat … more calories than this time !
— Clear, sharp and critical thinking is … critical! Writing down these pointers help me … focus.