bought laptop for grandma
set up wireless
set up economical outgoing calling
chose mobile plan
bought new cell phone
bought new fixed phone
opened citi gold and transferred
looked for storage facilities and signed up storhub, twice
found digit lock for storhub and bike
found digit lock for storhub and bike
moved most of my books out
found space for all my US luggage
discarded sofa
discarded broken suitcases
discarded broken suitcases
sold a suitcase (taking up space)
better clothes hangers
better clothes hangers
fixed drooping stand-up fan
arrange Malaysia outing
set up online transfer between dbs/oc/citi
long cable tied up
pumping tires
put up wall-mounted structures outside #116
bought new fan
cleared one shelf in bedroom
long cable tied up
pumping tires
put up wall-mounted structures outside #116
bought new fan
cleared one shelf in bedroom