hourly hotel: Baiyun

There are many lounges… Unconfirmed rumors about private sleeping rooms.

–Baiyun T1-B1 hourly hotel

  • +8620-3606-8300 hotline 24×7
  • Basement B1
  • RMB 25 or 50/hour (4pm-8am). RMB cash only.
  • overnight is peak hour but no reservation required for morning/afternoon.

The new T1/T2 commute — Hourly hotel is at T1, but unfortunately every single CZ flight has moved to the brand new T2, newly opened in 2018. So my 2017 experience is no longer relevant. Additional 20 minutes of commute

  • before 11pm, airtrain is fastest and free
  • T1-T2 穿梭巴士 15 min frequency + 5 min journey = up to 20 minutes door to door worst case
  • Pro tip: wake up 2 hour in advance (3 queuing points)