Handset also records data usage, but less reliable than https://secure.starhub.com/myaccountmgr/#/services/summary/mobile
— For each SIM card
- optionally, you get an SMS when 200MB left
- not configurable: you get an immediate SMS when crossing ..
- ..80% of monthly quota
- ..95% of monthly quota
- ..99% of monthly quota
Confirmed — Starhub is unable to auto-disable mobile data after you exhaust your monthly quota. To disable mobile data
- disable mobile data on handset UI as soon as as you see the warning SMS (2024 official advice), but /misstep/ is likely
- best to remove the SIM card, until data usage resets. You can see the reset date on Starhub app + webpage.
— “free” roaming ..
Users can choose either IntRoaming or PAYR or neither.
- PayAsYouRoam .. is for Light data usage. Highly dangerous because over usage can cost thousands each day. (Many PAYR users are advised to buy data packs.)
- International roaming is safer with $30/day cap in many countries.
- ^^ between the pair, PAYR is clearly inferior.
I am (constantly) on IntRoaming since Feb 2024. I could receive incoming SMS free, as promised by hotline.
Incoming calls .. doesn’t work for some unkown reason.
Data is seperate control. If you turn off mobile data at Device level, then you won’t incur data cost.
HowTo enable/disable IntRoaming .. APP > more > managePlanAddOn > manageAddOn > roaming > explore … If screen shows “International Roaming Modify”, then it means you are on IntRoaming.