## wellness benefits{weight loss

Safe to say that every time i lost a few kilos (3-5 times?), my fitness and health has always improved. No negative effect ever, always completely positive. Let’s look at wellness benefits of the late 2018 downsize:

  • #1 most obvious — chin-up. Virtually everyone good at pull-up I have seen is slim.
  • push-up
  • jogging — resuming after a 2-month stop, I usually feel heavy, but on 23 Jan I ran 4.8km (12 rounds) with 4 segments, feeling fairly light. Might be psychological.
    • Again on 24 Feb 2019 I jogged 4km (10 rounds) in Bayonne without feeling tired. This is unusual fitness after a month of inactivity
  • under-skin fat around the navel is visibly thinner
  • my cholesterol has improved with fairly intermittent Lipitor