[18] 20 uphill breakthroughs #wellness/IV/xx


Top 5 unexpected big wins is a similar analysis

I will use A/B rating for “effort  |  result”. Note achieving a “B-” is a huge effort like an Oscar nomination.

  • A-|A+ [Sec 2, age 14] Chinese compo
  • B|C [1992] English listening (including BBC), much harder than reading
  • A|B+[1993] English compo + speaking, much harder than listening
  • B|A[2010] java/SQL/Unix QQ. I am a natural and didn’t need to struggle too long to break through:)
  • C|C [2012] c#. I’m a natural, but it is still an uphill for most guys in my circle.
  • B-|C [2017] c++ coding drill. Huge effort but not huge improvement
  • A|B- [2019] no belly no medical condition, very healthy and fit except borderline cholesterol

.. rest are heavy-hitters, on steeper uphill. Note the C ratings set the benchmark.

  • C|C [2014] multiple properties paid up in full. Rare among my peers.
  • A|C [2017] c++ QQ, including focused coding experiments to learn rvr, TMP
  • B|B [2018] weight loss + chin-up
  • A|C+ [2018] yoga — many false starts. Really hard Unthinkable for my entire life until 2018. Huge effort despite limited progress
  • C|A- [2016-2018] ffree achievement and planning. Hard to achieve at my age, given my modest income