
3 types of carb — fiber, starches and sugars. Food labels include sugar and fiber in grams, but to get starch conent you must subtract them from total carbs.

Some fiber is never broken down by our digestive system to produce energy. If a food really has 3g fiber in 9g of carb, then theoretically only the 6 non-fiber carb can be turned into energy. However, resistant starch is often classified as fiber but do contribute some calories. See separate blog.

Unlike resistant starch, processed carb (starches and sugar) gets absorbed quickly and lead to blood sugar spikes -> hunger shortly .. low-carb^low-fat debate #spike

— Minimum daily carb intake = 0 !
According to the Institute of Medicine’s Dietary Reference Intakes guide, you can live without eating any carbs as long as you eat adequate amounts of protein and fat:

“The lower limit of dietary carbohydrate compatible with life apparently is zero, provided that adequate amounts of protein and fat are consumed.”