Would I consider a startup experience? No no no.
Imagine your career is a ship. Environmental elements are beyond our control, but we could to, some extent, strength/stabilize part of our internals to better withstand the tsunamis. Here are the stabilizers, with up to 2 pluses
- 👍👍SG citizenship
- strength of the marriage — foundation for family
- ==== parenting
- relationship with kids
- son growing up and taken care of
- ==== pff foundation # stability
- +house? symbol of stability. My assumption is whether it appreciates or depreciates, we own this roof over our heads.
- SG as a “medium-cost” retirement destination.
- ffree
- ==== career longevity # stability … outweigh current income
- 👍wife’s career longevity
- US opportunities? Having that option (and confidence) is instrumental even if I don’t exercise that option
- trec, dnlg, linkedin profile — differentiation
- English proficiency – for resume+IV, communication with recruiters; on-the-job
- ==== wellness
- fitness, BMI, shape
- good sleep
- good appetite for healthy food
Below are the destabilizes to my “tectonic plates”
- 🙁 breakpoint – health
- 🙁 breakpoint – stress – work, projects, cash flow, schooling,
- 🙁 shelf life
- 🙁 family’s health
- 🙁 cholesterol
- 🙁 employers’ age discrimination
- 🙁 lack of mgmt trec?