carrot #frozen

As of 2019, Carrot is my #1 raw veg, eaten in higher quantity than tomato, cucumber…
As of 2020, Carrot is my #1 raw veg tied with lettuce at the same overall quantity, higher than tomato, cucumber, onion,

  • can eat raw, frozen, or heated, or add to a soup, each with a different natural flavor in each case.
  • 🙂 if frozen (rare), can go with ice cream, peanuts, cookies
  • 🙂 if heated, can substitute starch to some extent
    • fairly satisfying at low calorie — rare combination. I tried on 29 Dec 2019 and ate at least 0.9 of a full pound packet of microwaved carrot with fish 🙂
    • The carrot at Stuff’d salad shop tastes very starchy and satisfying. Not boiled like my wife’s. Possibly steamed.
  • ridiculously low-cal
  • cheap, available

Q: what to go with raw carrot? hummus:):) guacamole:) ham:) cooked meat/fish:) chocolate:) ice cream 🙂

The baby carrot is not always better tasting !
Warning — about 5-20% of the baby carrots I tried taste much less palatable though not rotten, and should be discarded right away. Usually the thick ones. Also, the big carrots in Singapore all taste less palatable, less sweet. The regular baby carrots have a slight sweet taste and free of grassy taste. I tend to believe the closer to the heart, the higher the chance of being slightly sweet

sugg — buy the thinner ones. Half the times I don’t notice the difference, but the other times I find the thinner ones more palatable.

Sugg — heating improves the taste 3 times, with a natural flavor.

starchy — For my tiny raw carrot from TraderJoe’s, heating brings out a starchy texture, better than the starchy texture in the boiled big chunks. Even if roasted carrot somehow contains more starch and calories, it is still a very healthy food.

— raw carrot milkshake, a good use of extra carrot at home.
#1 tip: remove the big butt that tastes less sweet

Carrot is not creamy as avocado, banana, mango. Therefore, i add peanut butter and milk.

Ice — dillutes everything but in a positive way. It’s prudent to add ice incrementally to avoid over-dillution. If over-dilluted, then add milk.

Sugar — is crucial just as milk and ice, but should not be added in abandunce. I added a teaspoonful of honey but I don’t know how effective it was.