milo+almond milk beats skim+whole milk#BMI

Half cup of skim milk + half cup of regular milk was my default “healthy” combination for years. In multiple offices, I enjoyed it for years often with microwave heating.

To my surprise, there’s a tastier yet lighter combination, thanks to my research.

choice: milo almond milk total at 50/50 realistically
70 cal + 60 cal/cup =
130 cal 70+50=120 #if less almond
choice whole milk skim milk default is 110 calorie fatter ↴
150 cal/cup + 90 cal/cup = 240 cal 150+80=230 #if less skim

–debate over BMI impact says whole milk, not skim milk, is associated with reduced obesity.

However, my family is not obese. For us, skim milk probably improves BMI.