Not a complete plan.. just some pointers. Avoid oth… focus on heavy hitters.
- #1 battle: reduce need for heavy dinner. Have it before 10pm, or sleep before the appetite kicks in
- more pepper, cabbage
- more ABC soup though tcost
- more cold cut meat such as the 50 cal/56g, but buy small quantity
- more eggs
- maintain — overeat raw veg (in favor of tasty fruits), but occasionally combine with dips, meat, chocolates, nuts
- maintain — (#2 battle) minimize starch to the limit. If I must eat some starch, prefer carrot, green peas
- no need for rice, bread or noodle at all
- add potato to my ABC soup when I need starch
- peanuts? put away my unshelled peanuts for as long as possible
- ice cream? minimize and experiment. Avoid big stash
- variety — almond milk
- variety — if you miss starch try 小米
- variety — if you miss cheese, then go for low-fat cottage cheese… see post
- variety — small number of avocado
- variety — small amount of yogurt to go with raw veg
- variety — fresh fish? need to buy chopped-up, but high tcost compared to Chinatown fish
- sweet potato, yam? buy in small qty, less frequently
- celery? not a life-saver, so I can enjoy other raw veg if celery is too distasteful.
- —- buy after we deplete our stock of tuna, cooked fish, ham…
- cottage cheese
- millet
- nonfat ice cream
- frozen green peas