##slimm^fatten`habits through%%life

–slimming habits

  1. consistently saying NO to oily social snacks though attractive and socially popular
  2. consistently saying NO to mayo or salad dressing
  3. no interest in alcohol, coffee, sugary drinks,,, despite peer influence. Prefer water.
  4. I seldom even look at vending machines, which sells mostly fattening snacks, any time you want them. Vending machines are not attractive to me at all.
  5. consistently using pull-up and push-up to gauge my strength relative to weight
  6. more fruits than I want to
  7. vegetarian — as of 2003 I had repeatedly declared myself 80% vegetarian; in 2012 home dinners I often leave the meats behind.
  8. spot the visible fat. I believe every tidbit counts. I hate paying such high calorie “price” to gain basically nothing.
  9. self-restraint on oily foods like creamy, deep fried ,,, despite my natural tendency
  10. [f] delayed dinner. Some people eat dinner early and don’t feel hungry at night, but my body is different
  11. —  good diet habits beyond slimming
  12. picking vegetables that I seldom eat or hate to eat. My body probably need these nutrients more

–fattening habits before I recognized them

  1. late night big meal. Since Dec 2018, I can control the portion size.
  2. starch. Since Nov 2018, I can reduce daily intake by 30% (up to 70%)
  3. nice peanuts; ice cream; cheese in anything is attractive
  4. “finish off” a residual amount in home meal
  5. reluctance to discard food
  6. on social occasions accept peanuts that aren’t tasty at all
  7. cake-history buns once a day — once formed, this habit was hard to break
  8. heavy afternoon snacks of nuts, starch ..
  9. [u] pizza
  10. [u] creamy soup, white sauce
  11. [f=intermittent fasting, against the wrong-time temptation]
  12. [u=U.S. only]