U.S. community colleges: a graduate’s personal reflection

https://www.forbes.com/sites/civicnation/2018/12/12/community-college-is-more-important-than-you-thinkheres-why looks like a first hand experience

  • For a private college, “loan application I’d submitted in order to pay the college’s pricey tuition had been rejected because of my family’s financial background” — the more you earn the harder it is to get a loan
  • full-tuition scholarship is more possible at community colleges
  • The realization that I could be challenged academically and have the opportunity to take courses I truly enjoyed without having to carry the burden of hefty tuition was freeing. For the first time in months, I felt genuine excitement, pride and, mostly, relief.
  • In contrast, ivy colleges are all private and expensive ($50-60k/Y), mostly for the affluent families
  • “enrolled in courses I was genuinely looking forward to taking”
  • The community college “also helped me become more prepared to transfer by giving me access to resources about financial aid, loans, and scholarships. I would not have those resources or opportunities if I hadn’t gone to the community college.”