## satisfying@low-cal@@ # often tasty

“Filling/satisfying” means “enough to stop me eating other foods

Filling AND low-calorie sounds contradictory, like an unbelievable bargain, too good to be true, but in reality this might be possible and my experience seem to prove it — I think with these foods and with delaying meals I was able to cut my starch intake by 75-90% and my calorie by half (a more precise estimate is not worthwhile)

Note we all need variety, though some individuals needs less of it. I just hope I can rely on these super foods as the base of my daily intake.

  • — unsorted:
  • soymilk?
  • 金针菇 — 37 cal/100g
  • ham — at 90 cal/100g #normal turkey/pork cold cut is 60 cal/56g
  • [t] liquid egg white — much lighter than whole eggs — what’s the calorie?
  • [t] heated tiny raw carrot — starchy, fibrous, fairly tasty
  • [tt] persimmon — quite filling and very tasty
  • microwaved carrot and cabbage — taste much better than raw, and extremely small calorie footprint
  • [tt] sweet potato? I feel a small one already fills my stomach. Good portion control.
    • In contrast, baked potato is measured as the #1 most satisfying food, but I consider it medium-cal
    • lentil? promising
  • banana? sometimes filling
  • [tt] edamame? relatively low calorie but more calorie dense than many starch foods including rice .. https://tools.myfooddata.com/nutrition-comparison.php?foods=20053-16109&serv=100g-100g&qty=1-1
  • raw veg  + chocolates? need self-discipline, but since I often eat 2 to 4 pieces only, portion control is generally easier than nuts and ice cream,
  • [t] my own ABC soup
  • raw veg + chicken/ham as a salad? filling but unsure about calorie
  • raw veg + light ice cream?
  • chicken breast? i think so, but I tend to assume lots of hidden fat close to the skin
  • [t] green machine? Is it filling enough for the calorie?
  • [tt] ice cream?? at 100cal/100g (low-fat or nonfat) it is still relative calorie dense. Satisfying if accompanying raw veg
  • chia?? filling but not very satisfying…. was sustainable for a few months.
  • — Now some of the tried-n-failed “solutions”
  • raw veg — by itself still hungry afterwards
  • cooked veg — calls for rice or other starch
  • yogurt — not satisfying
  • milk — not filling
  • [question mark(s) after the food indicates my suspicion ]
  • [t=tasty. tt = very tasty, stress-relief comfort food]