9 reasons weight loss so hard+ Y successful ] 2018


I can’t emphasize enough the immense value n critical importance of my personal strengths listed near the end. I think very few people have these strengths. See also reaching target weight=luck25%+75%effort

  • —- What make weight loss so hard for me and everyone else:
  • First reason — weight reading can be unstable !
  • two long-term real challenges 1)starch-dependency 2)fat-binge
    • starch: Grain is a built-in basic need in my “system” and I tend to eat 100% or more grain than other people from China or elsewhere. Cooked meat/veg always call for rice .. lots of rice. See other blogs like intermittent rice-elimination
  • inhibition to discard tasty or expensive food, that’s unneeded/unwanted in my diet regime.
  • [L] family dinners and meals with friends
  • [L] late night meal — easily 1/3 of my daily calories
  • [L] snacks — often uncontrolled
  • [L] free food temptations
  • if you stay away from the following (all high-calorie) for too long you will hit a real craving:
    • fries, onion rings
    • cakes, brownie
    • pizza
    • ice cream, chocolates
    • kway teow
    • Singapore dessert
  • [L=loss of control]

Despite these daunting challenges, why does my weight improvement Oct – Dec 2018 rank as one of the greatest self-improvement victories of my adult life? Here are some reasons (unsorted, and I don’t want to spend too much time at this stage):

  • I formulated my homegrown strategy based on research (with massive dose of skepticism). Most diets probably won’t work for you due to countless challenges, so you have to formulate your own.
  • [t #1] self-knowledge via introspection and consistent bookkeeping. Luckily, I found a formula that actually works and I can see quick results so I became increasingly confident predicting my body’s reaction. I know intermittent fasting and starch reduction will show results in 2 days.
  • [t #2] attention-to-detail
  • [t #3] self-control (effective!) based on self-knowledge etc. It’s easier to formulate plans than executing them. “self-discipline” is not really the key.
    • eg: combat the cheap availability of calorie-dense temptations — office treats, chicken skin.. (I won’t list too many to intensify the temptation!)
  • [t] pushing to the limit and building self-confidence about the body
    • eg: delaying meals; raw veg; starch reduction; raw veg …
  • no family cooking no family outing — one of the top 2 external factors
  • my metabolism rate? I doubt it as it didn’t help me lose weight over many years. I only lost weight by cutting starch etc
  • luck? I don’t think so
  • [t=my traditional personal strength]