Variety is key now. To stay away from the “undesirable” foods, I need to buy a wide variety of fancy foods.
- before you know there’s any free food in the office, eat large amount of tasty and relatively-healthy foods, usually expensive, such as fruits, sweet potato, edamame,
- stash away high quality snacks in office to fend off free foods in the office
- [e] more grape tomatoes
- [e] more grapes
- [e] more cut melons
- [e] more fancy fruits, but MUST exercise control to reduce carb and fat accordingly
- once a while buy some diet ice creams like the 70cal/68g nonfat.
- more fish and meat pre-cooked, in small amounts,
- but minimize starch
- small amount of cooked veg
- but minimize starch
- [e] ice creams – small amount of tasty and relatively healthy ones. Be ready to discard or give away.